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White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner Highlights Biden’s Jokes Amid Gaza Protests



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President Joe Biden‘s remarks at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner on Saturday took center stage amidst large protests outside the venue related to the ongoing war and humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Biden, in his speech, humorously jabbed at his political rival Donald Trump, emphasizing their age difference and contrasting characteristics. He segued into a serious tone, underscoring the significance of the upcoming election and the potential threats of another Trump administration.

The event, normally a platform for presidential satire, also featured comedian Colin Jost, who entertained the audience with jokes about the candidates’ ages, drawing laughs from the attendees.

Amid the evening’s festivities, demonstrators outside the Washington Hilton raised their voices against Biden’s support of Israel‘s military campaign in Gaza, lamenting what they perceived as biased and inadequate coverage by Western media outlets.

Protesters highlighted the plight of Palestinian journalists and urged for the recognition of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with many carrying signs and chanting slogans critical of the media’s representation of the conflict.

While the guests inside mingled with celebrities such as Scarlett Johansson and Jon Hamm, the atmosphere outside was charged with calls for a cease-fire in the conflict zone.

Rachel Adams

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