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White House Press Secretary Shares Insights from Past Working Experiences



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White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, currently serving as the chief spokesperson for President Biden, shared insights from her past experiences working for now-fallen political figures.

In a resurfaced excerpt from her 2019 book, Jean-Pierre reflected on her time working for former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards and former Rep. Anthony Weiner.

Describing the atmosphere of a failing campaign as disheartening, Jean-Pierre’s account shed light on the downfall of politicians whose careers took unexpected turns.

During the 2008 presidential cycle, Jean-Pierre worked on Edwards’ campaign, who later faced a scandal involving an extramarital affair with campaign videographer Rielle Hunter. Edwards’ prospects never recovered after these revelations.

Amid Edwards’ downfall, Jean-Pierre expressed regrets about not initially working on Barack Obama‘s successful campaign, where she later contributed during the general election.

Reflecting on her time with Anthony Weiner, Jean-Pierre praised his political skills but highlighted his lack of self-control, which ultimately led to his political demise due to sexting scandals.

As she navigates her role under the scrutiny of President Biden’s current performance and debates, Jean-Pierre emphasized the importance of believing in a politician’s mission rather than solely in the messenger themselves.

Rachel Adams

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