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Wildwood’s ‘Joe Jaws’ Marks Landmark 1,000 Viewings of the Classic Film



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Wildwood’s summer spectacle, ‘Joe Jaws’ a local resident, has marked a significant milestone as he reached a remarkable 1,000 viewings of the beloved classic film, Jaws. Growing up spending summers at the Jersey Shore, he developed an unmatched connection to the movie that captured the imaginations of viewers nationwide.

Immersed in the atmosphere of Wildwood, ‘Joe Jaws’ first encountered the cinematic thrill at the Blaker theater on the bustling boardwalk, setting the stage for his enduring love affair with the film. After multiple viewings at the iconic theater managed by Merlin W. Paul, he gained local celebrity status and became synonymous with the film in the community.

During a special Independence Day screening at the historic Harbor Square Theatre in River Vale, ‘Joe Jaws’ extended his impressive in-theater viewings to over 1,000, showcasing his unwavering dedication to the movie that defined his summers. His passion for Jaws transcends eras, with additional viewings on VHS, Blu-ray, and televised screenings, cementing his place as a true aficionado.

Witnessing the evolution of cinematic experiences over the years, ‘Joe Jaws’ has embraced each rendition of Jaws, from the original theater release to modern-day 3-D and IMAX formats. His commitment to the film speaks volumes about the enduring appeal of Jaws and its ability to captivate audiences across generations.

Rachel Adams

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