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Woo Hannah: Exploring the Boundaries of Art and Anatomy



Woo Hannah: Exploring The Boundaries Of Art And Anatomy

Renowned artist Woo Hannah has been making waves in the art world, captivating audiences with her thought-provoking installations and boundary-pushing concepts.

Woo Hannah gained international recognition after being awarded the prestigious Artist Award at Frieze Seoul in September 2023 for her mesmerizing installation, The Great Ballroom.

The immersive exhibit, which featured elaborate fabric draperies symbolizing the celebration of the ageing female body, showcased Woo’s unique vision and commitment to challenging societal norms.

During a recent solo exhibition at G Gallery in Seoul and No.9 Cork Street in London, Woo Hannah continued to push the boundaries of art, captivating viewers with her intricate fabric sculptures and explorations of human anatomy.

Woo Hannah’s art is characterized by a playful subversion of traditional concepts and a deep exploration of the human form. She challenges binary divisions and aims to create a horizontal relationship between humans and nature, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings.

One of Woo Hannah’s central themes is the human body, particularly the female form. Inspired by a personal medical discovery, Woo’s artwork delves into the concepts of normalcy and abnormalities within the human anatomy.

Her series of fabric sculptures representing various organs, such as the uterus and blood vessels, provide a visceral exploration of the human body, inviting viewers to consider the complexities and beauty of our internal structures.

With a dark sense of humor, Woo Hannah has created fantastical organs and body parts, including flower-like sculptures symbolizing the female menstrual cycle and fabric gills for underwater communication.

Woo Hannah’s art continues to captivate audiences worldwide, sparking conversations about identity, gender, and the boundaries between art and anatomy.

Rachel Adams

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