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YouTube Creator Arrested for Directing Fireworks Attack on Lamborghini in Viral Video



Youtube Creator Arrested For Directing Fireworks Attack On Lamborghini In Viral Video

San Fernando Valley resident Suk Min Choi, known for his YouTube channel, was apprehended following allegations of directing a viral video involving two women shooting fireworks at a Lamborghini from a helicopter. The arrest came after federal authorities filed a criminal complaint against Choi for orchestrating the controversial video.

Choi, represented by Underscore Talent, faces a single count of ‘causing the placement of an explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft,’ potentially landing him a 10-year prison sentence if found guilty.

With nearly a million subscribers on his YouTube channel focused on automotive antics, Choi posted the video titled ‘Destroying a Lamborghini with Fireworks’ on July 4, 2023, which has since been removed from the platform.

The affidavit accompanying the complaint describes how Choi initiated the stunt at the El Mirage Dry Lakebed in San Bernardino County, where the helicopter fired fireworks at a Lamborghini. The footage includes scenes of Choi coordinating the shoot and expressing gratitude to a camera company for their participation in his ‘crazy stupid ideas.’

Choi’s appearance in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California resulted in his release on a $50,000 bond, pending an arraignment set for July 2. Authorities suspect the incident occurred in June 2023, highlighting Choi’s lack of filming permits and the purchase of illegal fireworks from Nevada for the stunt.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office emphasized that the complaint is an allegation, reiterating Choi’s presumed innocence until proven guilty in court. The case sheds light on the regulatory challenges in content creation and the legal consequences of irresponsible actions.

Rachel Adams

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