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Zerodha Co-Founder Praises Bengaluru, Sets Sights on Making the City ‘Cooler’



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Bengaluru-based billionaire entrepreneur Nikhil Kamath, the co-founder of Zerodha, recently expressed his admiration for the city of Bengaluru in a podcast episode titled WTF. Kamath highlighted the unique qualities of various metropolitan cities, ultimately declaring Bengaluru as his favorite despite its infrastructural challenges.

Discussing what distinguishes Bengaluru, Kamath emphasized that the true essence of the city lies in its people. He praised the residents for their love for the city and their amiable nature, which he believes sets them apart.

While noting the specialties of other major cities, such as Hyderabad‘s biryani, Mumbai‘s reputation for good-looking individuals, and Delhi‘s affluent populace, Kamath underscored Bengaluru’s reputation for hosting kind-hearted people.

He further elaborated on his observations, describing the people of Bengaluru as welcoming, unassuming, and possessing a subtle charm that resonates with him.

When it comes to startups and building companies, Kamath emphasized Bengaluru’s unparalleled access to talent. He commended the city’s pool of skilled individuals and cited the cost-effectiveness of tapping into this talent pool as a significant advantage for entrepreneurs.

Additionally, Kamath shared insights into his collaborations with other business leaders in Bengaluru, including Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, the executive chairperson of Biocon. Together, they are working on initiatives aimed at enhancing the city’s appeal and overall vibrancy.

One notable project Kamath mentioned involves the planting of 10,000 cherry blossom trees in the central area of Bengaluru, reflecting their commitment to making the city ‘cooler’ both in reality and through a positive narrative.

Rachel Adams

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