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Innovative Voltage Vintage Coil® Guitar Cables Revolutionize Music Performance



Voltage Vintage Coil Guitar Cable

Voltage Cable Co has unveiled its latest product, the Voltage Vintage Coil® guitar cable, which blends retro aesthetics with modern technological advancements. The company, established in 2021 and based in Sydney, Australia, aims to redefine the durability and reliability of guitar cables.

With the introduction of ISO-COAT® technology, the new 30-foot cables feature a hermetic seal that prevents corrosion and oxidation, two primary factors contributing to cable degradation. This innovation promises unmatched longevity and sound quality, making it an appealing choice for musicians.

The Voltage Vintage Coil cables are handcrafted using premium materials, including a 99% pure oxygen-free 20AWG stranded core and a tough PVC 6.2mm outer jacket. Additionally, the cables come equipped with G&H USA-made nickel plugs, ensuring a robust construction designed for extensive use.

Available in diverse colors such as Surf Green, Electric Blue, Orange, and Caramel, as well as classic shades like Black, White, and Red, these cables cater to various aesthetic preferences. Guitarists can also choose among three connector configurations: straight/straight, right angle/straight, and right angle/right angle.

Musicians appreciate coiled cables for their ability to stretch and retract, allowing for greater mobility on stage, which is essential during live performances. Voltage Cable Co’s Vintage Coil cables not only address this need but are also supported by a genuine lifetime guarantee.

Prominent artists, including Vincent Neil Emmerson, Jedd Hughes, Grace Bowers, and John Bohlinger, have endorsed the Voltage Vintage Coil cables for their unique combination of vintage charm and cutting-edge quality. This product stands as a testament to Voltage Cable Co’s commitment to providing reliable performance gear for musicians.

Rachel Adams

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