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Japanese Man Claims to Thrive on Just 30 Minutes of Sleep Daily



Man Sleeping 30 Minutes

Daisuke Hori, a 40-year-old entrepreneur from Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, has become a topic of interest for his extraordinary sleeping habits. For the past 12 years, he has reportedly reduced his daily sleep to just 30 minutes, claiming that this lifestyle has significantly increased his productivity and efficiency.

According to reports from the South China Morning Post, Hori began to cut back on sleep over a decade ago in order to create more active hours in his day. He states that he has trained both his body and brain to function optimally with minimal rest.

In a recent feature on Japan’s Yomiuri TV, Hori demonstrated his ability to operate on extremely limited sleep, showing how he could wake up after just 26 minutes of sleep and still have enough energy to hit the gym. Hori emphasizes the importance of high-quality sleep over quantity, comparing his approach to that of professionals like doctors and firefighters, who often perform well on brief rest periods.

To maintain his alertness, Hori incorporates sports into his routine and drinks coffee an hour before his meals. He believes that these strategies help stave off drowsiness, allowing him to remain productive despite his unconventional sleeping habits.

Furthermore, Hori claims to have trained over 2,100 students to adapt to a similar ultra-short sleep schedule. One of his students reported that she successfully reduced her sleeping time from eight hours to just 90 minutes after following Hori’s guidance.

Rachel Adams

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