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Luxury Yacht Capsizes Off Sicily



Mike Lynch

A British-flagged luxury yacht named Bayesian has sunk off the coast of Sicily during a fierce tornado, leaving several people missing, including tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch. The incident occurred in the early hours of Monday, around 5 am, near Porticello.

Onboard the yacht were 22 foreign tourists, including four British nationals and a child, who are now reported as missing. Fortunately, 15 people were rescued, among them another child, after the vessel capsized due to rough seas and extreme weather conditions.

The yacht, measuring 56 meters long and carrying a crew of 10, had passengers from Britain, America, and Canada, as stated by the Italian coast guard. Tragically, emergency services reported that a body was found in the water early Monday, and eight others are currently in the hospital.

Authorities in Termini Imerese have launched an investigation into the incident. A captain of a nearby vessel described the chaotic scene, noting how his crew initially picked up some survivors on a life raft after the storm passed.

Karsten Borner, the captain, recounted how the weather turned suddenly and violently, causing the Bayesian to “go flat on the water and then down.” Reports indicate that one of the survivors included a mother with her baby, who managed to reach a lifeboat during the chaos.

According to spokespersons from Camper and Nicholsons International, the company managing the yacht, their top priority is to assist with search efforts and support those who were rescued.

The yacht, known for its unique design and luxury features, was recently listed for charter and had completed several sailings in Sicily prior to the accident.

Rachel Adams

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