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Matthew Perry’s Final Hours and Celebrity Moments



Matthew Perry And Celebrity Events

In the wake of his tragic passing, new details have emerged about Matthew Perry‘s final hours. Reports indicate that he allegedly made a request to his assistant, saying, ‘Shoot me up with a big one.’ This raises concerns about his well-being leading up to his untimely death in October.

Meanwhile, not all headlines are somber. Jennifer Garner and her ex-husband Ben Affleck were spotted reconnecting in Japan. Sources describe them as ‘best friend exes,’ showing that even past loves can maintain a friendship.

Across the pond, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently took a trip to Colombia, but it hasn’t been without criticism. Royal experts have labeled the visit as ‘hypocrisy,’ given the couple’s past safety concerns.

In other news, it has come to light that Matthew Perry’s assistant purchased over $50,000 worth of items in the weeks before his death, stirring curiosity about the circumstances surrounding these purchases.

Jenny McCarthy is turning heads with her latest show of affection for her husband, Donnie Wahlberg, as she shared some spicy shirtless snaps to celebrate his birthday.

On a more serious note, King Charles is reportedly cutting off his brother’s security detail. This development comes as the disgraced Duke of York faces eviction, adding to the ongoing tensions within the royal family.

Rachel Adams

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