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Mia Le Roux Wins Miss South Africa 2024



Mia Le Roux Wins Miss South Africa 2024

Mia Le Roux has made history by being crowned Miss South Africa 2024 in a glamorous event held in Pretoria. She is the first deaf woman to hold this title, and her win is inspiring to many.

The competition was not without its controversies. Just last week, fellow contestant Chidimma Adetshina had to withdraw after facing backlash over her Nigerian heritage. This situation sparked discussions about identity and belonging in South Africa.

In her heartfelt acceptance speech, Mia expressed her hopes of helping others who might feel left out. She aims to support people who are differently abled or financially struggling, sharing her own experiences of overcoming obstacles.

At the same ceremony, Nompumelelo Maduna was named the first runner-up, while Onalenna Constantin took home the title of second runner-up. Despite the ups and downs of the competition, Mia’s victory shines a light on diversity and representation.

Rachel Adams

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