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Mother Charged with Murder of Daughter



Mother Charged With Murder Of Daughter

A mother on the Gold Coast has been charged with the murder of her 10-year-old daughter, Sophie Wang. The tragic event unfolded when the girl’s father found her unresponsive at their home on Central Place in Carrara on Tuesday evening.

When paramedics arrived, they did everything they could, but unfortunately, Sophie was pronounced dead at the scene. The authorities immediately launched a homicide investigation, setting up a crime scene to gather evidence.

Detective Acting Inspector Kent Ellis spoke about the distressing nature of the incident, stating that it was one of the most difficult scenes he has encountered in his 15 years as a detective. Meanwhile, police arrested the girl’s mother, Yingying Xu, just hours later on a street nearby.

Sophie Wang, a fifth-grade student at Emmanuel College, was remembered for her kindness and love for learning. The school expressed its heartbreak over her death and shared that Sophie had made significant contributions to their community.

The investigation is ongoing, with police assuring the public that they are not looking for anyone else connected to the case. Services are available for those affected by this tragic event, highlighting the community’s need for support during such tough times.

Rachel Adams

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