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Murder Charge in Gold Coast Girl’s Death



Murder Charge In Gold Coast Girl's Death

A 46-year-old woman has been charged with murder after a tragic incident involving a 10-year-old girl in Gold Coast.

Emergency services rushed to a unit complex in Carrara on Tuesday evening, following a call from a male relative who discovered the girl unresponsive. Sadly, she was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police set up a crime scene and initiated a homicide investigation. By late Tuesday night, Gold Coast detectives apprehended the woman nearby around 10:25 PM.

The relationship between the woman and the girl hasn’t been confirmed yet, but authorities confirmed they knew each other. The case has shocked the close-knit community, which is now coming to terms with the tragedy.

As the investigation continues, the woman is expected to face Southport Magistrates Court on Wednesday morning.

Rachel Adams

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