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Musa Khawula’s Court Case Postponed Again



Musa Khawula Court Appearance

Musa Khawula, the well-known blogger, made his way to the Vredenburg Magistrates Court on Tuesday, August 20. This time, he showed up in orange prison clothes, hinting at the tough situation he’s currently in.

His appearance was brief as the court decided to postpone his case to September 2. The delay is to give him time to find a new lawyer after his previous one abandoned him.

Musa is serving a 60-day sentence for missing a court appearance in Gauteng. He was arrested in the Vredenburg court back on July 9 while facing serious charges, including murder.

On August 7, Musa tried to speak directly to the court, wanting some clarity about his situation. However, Magistrate Paulette Da Rocha-Boltney wasn’t having it. She advised him to go through his temporary legal representative for any questions.

His current legal troubles include a murder charge related to the death of his ex-boyfriend, Wandile Khambule, back in March 2022. Reports suggest there was an argument at Wandile’s girlfriend’s house, leading to the tragic incident where Musa allegedly stabbed Wandile.

Interestingly, Musa has also found himself in hot water with others through his online posts. Recently, Nozuko Mbalula, who is the wife of ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula, along with her business partner Michelle Perrow, secured a court order to prevent Musa from tweeting about them.

Rachel Adams

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