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Paul Hollywood Defends Wife’s Family Pub Closure



Paul Hollywood Defends Wife's Family Pub Closure

Celebrity baker Paul Hollywood has spoken out in defense of his wife, Melissa Hollywood, after her family’s treasured pub, the Chequers Inn, received permission to transform into a home. The historic pub, located in Smarden, Kent, has been struggling with declining business.

The Chequers Inn, which is over 600 years old, is currently owned by Melissa’s family, who have run it for 18 years. After months of planning discussions, Ashford Borough Council granted them the green light to make the change, despite some pushback from local residents who wish to see the pub remain open.

Paul expressed his disappointment over the harsh criticism directed at Melissa and her family, calling it “unforgivable.” He noted that the family was ready to sell the pub as a business, but unfortunately faced unrealistic offers that didn’t make sense.

During the planning meeting, the couple’s plight was made clear. Paul mentioned that they had invested tens of thousands into renovations and even a new car park, but it just hasn’t been enough to keep the business afloat. He was clear about the financial difficulties, stating, “I have given a substantial amount of money to turn it into what it is now. It is a beautiful pub but it is a business that is losing money.”

As the deadline looms for the closure and transformation of the pub, locals are left wondering what will happen next. Melissa has faced personal attacks throughout this tough time, admitting that the whole experience has been incredibly challenging for her family.

Rachel Adams

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