Prakash Padukone’s Motivational Words Propel Lakshya Sen in All England Open Quarterfinals

During the intense quarterfinal match at the All England Open 2024, coach Vimal Kumar shared the impactful message delivered by badminton legend Prakash Padukone to his protege, Lakshya Sen. As Sen found himself in a tight decider against Lee Zii Jia with a slight dip in confidence, Padukone’s words resonated powerfully.
Padukone reminded Sen of his purpose at the prestigious tournament, emphasizing, ‘You have not come here to lose.’ This motivational boost from the seasoned mentor ignited a fire within Sen, reminiscent of their earlier days together.
Witnessing Padukone’s influence, Vimal recalled the dynamic exchange, noting the rejuvenated spirit in Lakshya Sen’s gameplay. The duo fed off the vintage energy, propelling Sen towards a heightened level of determination and focus.
Another noteworthy message was unveiled to Sen before a crucial Olympic qualification match, urging him not to dwell excessively on the prospect of making it to Paris. The coaching staff, alongside Padukone, aimed to shield Sen from overthinking, channeling his potential towards peak performance at the upcoming Olympics.