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Pregnant Woman Concerns After Consuming Recalled Oat Milk Potentially Contaminated with Listeria



Pregnant Woman Oat Milk Listeria Recall

A pregnant woman from Toronto, Canada, named Angel Ocean, has raised alarms after unknowingly consuming a recalled container of oat milk that may have been contaminated with listeria.

In a series of videos shared on social media, Ocean expressed her anxiety regarding the potential health risks associated with drinking the oat milk, which is particularly dangerous for unborn babies due to the presence of listeria.

Upon realizing that the product code and expiration date matched those in the listeria-related recall, Ocean reached out to her midwife, revealing that she had been experiencing diarrhea and nausea for weeks.

When her midwife was unable to provide a requisition for listeria blood work, Ocean felt uncertain about her next steps. In a subsequent visit to a walk-in clinic, the attending physician suggested stool samples instead of the blood test she was seeking.

Despite feeling the baby moving, Ocean was still troubled about her unborn child’s health. The doctor indicated that without fever and with fetal movement, there was likely no cause for concern, which did not satisfy Ocean.

With the support of her husband, Tom, Ocean contacted another physician who acknowledged her concerns and provided the necessary requisition for a blood test, along with a prescription for precautionary antibiotics.

In her concluding update on TikTok, Ocean informed followers that her blood work returned negative for listeria, and her digestion had improved. However, she is advised to continue taking antibiotics as a precautionary measure.

Rachel Adams

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