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Rakhi Celebration Date and Timing Revealed



Rakhi Celebration Date And Timing Revealed

This year, the beloved festival of Raksha Bandhan is set to be celebrated on August 19, which falls on a Monday. It’s the day dedicated to honoring the special bond between brothers and sisters.

Astrologically, this Raksha Bandhan is quite unique as it coincides with both Sawan Mahina’s final Monday and the auspicious Shravan Purnima. However, there’s a catch—on this day, a period called Bhadrika will affect the celebrations.

For about seven hours and thirty-nine minutes, the said Bhadrika will be present, starting from 5:53 AM to 1:32 PM. According to Dr. Ganesh Mishra, an astrologer from the Central Sanskrit University, this period is deemed inauspicious for performing any significant traditions like tying the rakhi.

When it comes to the right time for tying the rakhi, sisters are encouraged to do so between 1:32 PM and 9:08 PM on the same day. This time is considered free from any negative influence, allowing for blessings and positive energies to flow.

Moreover, it’s wise to avoid tying rakhi during Bhadrika and Rahukal, which happens between 7:31 AM and 9:08 AM. Engaging in rituals during these timeframes is generally regarded as unpropitious.

With ritual cleanliness and prosperity in mind, many devotees plan to take a holy dip on this day and perform acts of charity, which are said to bring additional blessings to the family household.

Rachel Adams

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