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Rapper Nelly Arrested in St. Louis for Drug Possession and Insurance Violation



Rapper Nelly Arrested In St. Louis For Drug Possession And Insurance Violation

Rapper Nelly, whose real name is Cornell Haynes II, was arrested early Wednesday morning in St. Louis. He faces charges for having ecstasy pills and not having insurance for his vehicle.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reported that Nelly was taken into custody at around 4:45 a.m. While at the Hollywood Casino in St. Charles, a routine identification check revealed a warrant linked to a previous traffic incident from six years ago.

During the check, officers found four ecstasy pills on him, which led to his arrest. Following the incident, Nelly was brought to the Maryland Heights Police Department where he was booked but has already been released.

Nelly’s representative has not commented on the situation yet. The news of his arrest quickly spread online, gaining attention among fans and media outlets alike.

<pAdding to the headlines, Nelly and singer Ashanti are expecting a baby later this year, making this a particularly busy time for the rapper.

Rachel Adams

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