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Steve Kerr Rallies Crowd at DNC



Steve Kerr Speaking At Democratic National Convention

During the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, NBA coach Steve Kerr took the stage to pump up the crowd for Vice President Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz.

As the familiar sound of ‘Sirius’ by the Alan Parsons Project filled the United Center, Kerr, a former Chicago Bulls player, shared some nostalgic moments from the 90s.

“It’s so fun to be back here,” he said, recalling the glory days of the Bulls. “For the young people in the audience, just Google ‘Michael Jordan’ and you’ll see what I mean!”

Kerr praised both Harris and Walz, highlighting their compassion and leadership qualities, which he linked to the spirit of teamwork he emphasized in sports.

“Imagine what we could do with all 330 million of us playing on the same team,” he urged, stressing the need for unity beyond political divides.

He wrapped up his speech by encouraging everyone to get out and vote on November 5, jokingly referencing NBA star Steph Curry. “We can tell Donald Trump, ‘night night,’” he quipped, mimicking Curry’s famous gesture.

Rachel Adams

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