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DA Suspends MP Renaldo Gouws Over Racist Videos Controversy



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The Democratic Alliance (DA) has taken swift action by suspending Member of Parliament Renaldo Gouws following the emergence of videos showing him using racist and violent language. Gouws will face disciplinary charges for the controversial videos that have stirred public outrage.

Gouws is seen in the videos using offensive racial slurs and advocating violence, sparking widespread condemnation. The DA has verified the authenticity of the videos, refuting Gouws’ claims that they were fabricated.

The matter has been referred to the party’s Federal Legal Commission for a disciplinary hearing where Gouws will have the opportunity to present his defense. DA Federal Council chairperson, Helen Zille, emphasized the seriousness of the situation.

This is not the first incident involving Gouws, as a previous video from 2009 also surfaced recently, further complicating the situation. Calls for Gouws’ removal from his position as an MP have intensified, prompting an apology from him for the 2009 video.

In his statement, Gouws denied any allegations of racism but acknowledged the need to take responsibility for his past actions. The DA has stated that they will await the outcome of Gouws’ disciplinary hearing before making any further decisions.

Rachel Adams

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