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Women Redefine ‘Demure’ on TikTok



Women Redefine 'demure' On Tiktok

A new trend is brewing on TikTok, and it’s redefining what it means to be ‘demure’. Jools Lebron, a makeup artist and TikTok enthusiast, is leading the charge with her witty takes on beauty norms and how women should present themselves. Unlike the traditional view of being demure as being barely noticeable, Lebron flips the script to include everything from makeup choices to how you conduct yourself in public.

In one of her viral videos, she shares her thoughts on how women often dress and present themselves differently from interviews to their actual jobs. She emphasizes, “Be mindful of why they hired you,” and jokingly discusses how important it is to keep your look polished.

Lebron often uses humor to critique beauty standards and societal norms associated with womanhood. While she calls for a more ‘mindful’ approach to how women present themselves, she sometimes contradicts her own advice, which makes her videos even more relatable and entertaining.

In a particularly funny post, she discusses her plans for a night out in Las Vegas, hilariously promising to be home early while later showing herself having fun at a club. It’s this sort of playful contradiction that makes her content resonate with many viewers.

Her take on being demure includes funny yet relatable scenarios, like snacking on StarKist tuna at midnight or complimenting someone’s haircut, even if it’s not to your taste. Women across social media have started sharing their own versions of being demure, inspired by Lebron’s quirky examples and light-hearted critiques of daily activities.

Notably, one TikTok account even drew comparisons between Kamala Harris’ campaign style and that of Donald Trump, all in the spirit of playful mockery of political appearances. It seems Lebron’s idea of mindfulness includes a healthy dose of humor and self-empowerment.

In a more serious note, she reminds her followers that being demure also involves taking care of your ambitions and dreams. “Chase those dreams. Be responsible. Be mindful, be demure and don’t ever let no b*tch dull your shine,” she declares confidently in one of her videos, closing the comedic loop with a powerful message about self-worth.

Rachel Adams

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