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Zach Bryan and Shane Gillis Have a Night Out in Philly Pub



Zach Bryan And Shane Gillis Have A Night Out In Philly Pub

PHILADELPHIA – It’s not every day you see a country music star and a comedian hanging out together, but that’s exactly what happened at Bronner’s Irish Pub in Philadelphia! Zach Bryan and Shane Gillis were spotted enjoying some drinks and sharing laughs in a video shared by Barstool Philly on Tuesday.

The clip shows Gillis playfully teasing Bryan about his chugging skills, while a crowd of locals watches the friendly banter unfold. It’s unclear exactly when this fun night out took place, but it’s likely part of the good times leading up to Bryan’s performances at Lincoln Financial Field this week.

By the way, Bryan’s concert on Tuesday night faced a bit of a hiccup due to severe weather, leading to a delay in the show. As for Gillis, he’s from Pennsylvania and has an exciting schedule lined up in October.

Rachel Adams

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