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Leaders’ Debate Fallout: Sunak and Starmer’s Struggle in First TV Clash



Leaders' Debate Fallout: Sunak And Starmer's Struggle In First Tv Clash

Neither Rishi Sunak nor Sir Keir Starmer come across as natural politicians despite their high positions in British politics. The recent televised debate that took place on June 4th highlighted their individual weaknesses and struggles in connecting with the public. Sunak, known for his varying tones of simpering and hectoring, appeared out of touch with the average Briton’s struggles, especially when faced with personal stories of hardship.

On the other hand, Sir Keir Starmer, a former barrister, seemed rigid and overly reliant on his legal background, continually circling back to his tenure at the Crown Prosecution Service. This approach left viewers questioning his ability to truly connect with the electorate and understand their everyday challenges.

Rachel Adams

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