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Montreal Canadiens Goaltending Situation Sparks Debate Among Fans



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The Montreal Canadiens goaltending situation has been a topic of discussion among fans as the team heads into the upcoming season. With the emergence of young goaltenders Sam Montembeault and Cayden Primeau last season, along with the veteran Jake Allen, fans are curious to see how the two-goalie system will play out.

Montembeault is expected to start as the No. 1 goalie, but Primeau will be looking to challenge him for more playing time. Both goalies have expressed a friendly competition that pushes them to perform at their best.

There is uncertainty surrounding the future of coach Alex Burrows, who has been running the power play for the Canadiens. Burrows’ contract expired at the end of last season, and it remains to be seen if he will return to the team.

The Canadiens are known for having a strong prospect pool, with players like Florian Xhekaj flying under the radar. Xhekaj, a power forward with potential, has been making strides in the OHL and could be a surprise player for the team in the coming years.

While it’s rare for a player to transition from defense to forward, the Canadiens have a history of making such moves. Wendel Clark, Larry Robinson, Serge Savard, and Guy Lapointe are just a few examples of players who successfully made the switch during their careers.

Rachel Adams

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