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Boxer Ryan Garcia’s B-Sample Tests Positive for Banned Substance Ostarine



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Star boxer Ryan Garcia has faced a new hurdle in his career as the B-sample from his recent drug tests returned a positive result for ostarine, a banned substance, following his fight with Devin Haney. The tests were carried out by the accredited Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory contracted by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Following the adverse findings, Garcia’s legal team, including lawyer Darin Chavez, is working to clear the boxer’s name. The team stated that Garcia had voluntarily undergone additional testing, with his hair samples showing no traces of the banned substance, suggesting a case of supplement contamination.

Despite previous negative test results throughout his career, the positive B-sample outcome could lead to a potential suspension for Garcia as the matter now heads to the New York State Athletic Commission, given the fight took place in New York.

Victor Conte, an adviser for Haney, confirmed the B-sample results and highlighted the significance of maintaining the integrity of the sport. However, Garcia remains adamant about his innocence, expressing a strong stance against cheating and stating that he is determined to fight for his reputation.

Ostarine, the banned substance in question, has been a controversial element in boxing previously, with cases involving other fighters like Lucian Bute and Amir Khan facing bans due to its presence in their drug tests.

Rachel Adams

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