Fool Me Once actress Michelle Keegan and former reality star turned presenter Mark Wright are approaching a significant milestone in their lives, with next May marking...
Author Di Morrissey continues her tradition of delivering a novel almost every year with the release of “River Song,” marking her 30th work in a 33-year...
Ranveer Allahbadia, known popularly as BeerBiceps, has released a podcast episode featuring prominent Indian-origin entrepreneur Naval Ravikant. This episode comes after a recent hacking incident that...
The beloved franchise “The Princess Diaries” is set to return with a third installment, as announced by Anne Hathaway. This development comes over 20 years after...
Tom Selleck, the acclaimed actor known for his role in the long-running television series “Blue Bloods,” has expressed his frustration following the show’s cancellation. Selleck, who...
The streaming service Netflix has decided not to renew the sitcom "That '90s Show" for a third season, according to cast member Kurtwood Smith. Smith, who...
Actor Hugh Grant has shared insights into his participation in the upcoming Bridget Jones film, adapted from Helen Fielding’s novel “Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy.”...
The debut feature from writer-director Greg Jardin, “It’s What’s Inside,” has sparked considerable attention since its high-profile premiere at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. The film,...
In a dramatic return to the silver screen, Todd Phillips presents “Joker: Folie à Deux,” a sequel that deviates from its predecessor by transforming the narrative...
James Bay‘s latest single, “Up All Night,” has climbed two places to secure the No. 1 spot on Billboard‘s Adult Alternative Airplay chart, dated October 12....