A star-studded evening unfolded as Bollywood personalities gathered for the exclusive screening of Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao‘s upcoming film ‘Laapataa Ladies’. The event, hosted by...
Feudal Japan is set to collide with Western powers in the breathtakingly beautiful, tragic, and gripping series ‘Shogun’. The epic drama, based on James Clavell‘s novel,...
Rebecca Ferguson recently shared her harrowing experience with a former co-star during a candid chat on the Reign with Josh Smith podcast. The Swedish actress, known...
A comedy club in New Westminster, B.C., decided to cancel an upcoming show after facing backlash over the sale of offensive merchandise by the Canadian comedy...
Kristin Cavallari, the former reality TV star known for “Laguna Beach,” has sparked romance rumors with model Mark Estes. The couple’s relationship went public with a...
Actor Gary Sinise is remembering his son, McCanna Anthony ‘Mac’ Sinise, who passed away on January 5 due to a rare cancer called Chordoma at the...
Ryan Gosling, the star of the popular movie ‘Barbie,’ is set to grace the stage at the 2024 Oscars to perform the keynote anthem, ‘I’m Just...
South African Police Minister Bheki Cele has announced a significant breakthrough in the case involving the tragic murder of renowned rapper Kiernan “AKA” Forbes and his...
A music producer known as Lil Rod, whose real name is Rodney Jones, has filed a lawsuit against the iconic rapper Sean Combs, commonly known as...
Punjabi music composer and lyricist Bunty Bains had a close brush with death as he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt in Mohali, Punjab. The incident unfolded...