Perth resident and notorious bikie, Troy Mercanti, found himself facing serious charges of sexual assault following a dramatic arrest at his residence in Karrinyup. The 56-year-old...
A moment of triumph for Katherine teenager Keegan Payne turned sour after an awkward and controversial interview with veteran journalist Peter Stefanovic. Payne, who recently made...
Severe thunderstorms and heavy rainfall wreaked havoc across East Texas, particularly in areas like Houston, Lake Conroe, Lake Livingston, and Huntsville. The weather phenomenon prompted Harris...
A man accused of the murder of 14-year-old Daniel Anjorin with a Samurai sword in Hainault, London has faced trial at Westminster Magistrates’ Court. The defendant,...
Former actor Laurence Fox is now under police investigation following widespread criticism for sharing an explicit photograph of broadcaster Narinder Kaur online without her consent. There...
Archaeologists have pieced back together the skull of a 75,000-year-old Neanderthal skeleton unearthed at the Shanidar Cave site in Iraq. Researchers from Cambridge University and Liverpool...
Today, as Park ward voters head to the polls for the local elections, they will have the unique opportunity to step inside the beautifully restored Scartho...
The Fresno Police Department in California has refuted recent reports suggesting the demise of the notorious gangster Goldy Brar, who has been linked to the murder...
A tragic incident unfolded in Hainault, London, where 14-year-old Daniel Anjorin lost his life in a brutal sword attack, sending shockwaves through Bancroft’s School community in...
South Burnett Regional Council has initiated a project to install permanent flood warning signs in strategic locations across the region to enhance safety measures for motorists....