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Chelsea’s Promising Talent Cesare Casadei Makes Premier League Debut



Chelsea's Promising Talent Cesare Casadei Makes Premier League Debut

Cesare Casadei, the talented young midfielder, is set to make his Premier League debut for Chelsea at Anfield. Casadei, who recently returned from a successful loan spell at Championship leaders Leicester City, will wear the number 31 shirt for the Blues. This is an exciting opportunity for the Italian, who previously had loan stints at Reading and Leicester City, to showcase his skills and impress in the top-flight.

Chelsea manager, , has chosen to include Casadei in the squad for tonight’s game against Liverpool, demonstrating his confidence in the player’s abilities. Casadei will don the number 31 shirt, a memorable number previously worn by in the Chelsea squad.

Accompanying Casadei on the substitutes’ bench are the returning and . This lineup suggests a strong bench and a game plan that aims to utilize the talents of the entire squad in this crucial Premier League match.

Rachel Adams

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