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Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Assaulted in Copenhagen



Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Assaulted In Copenhagen

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has incurred minor whiplash after being assaulted in central Copenhagen. The incident occurred in Kultorvet square and led to her being taken to Rigshospitalet for a medical evaluation.

Frederiksen, who is from the Social Democrats, was with lead candidate Christel Schaldemose campaigning for the European Union parliamentary elections. Witnesses described the attacker as a 39-year-old man.

European leaders, including Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen, condemned the assault, emphasizing that violence has no place in politics. The incident comes amidst a backdrop of rising violence against politicians in Europe.

Witnesses reported that the attacker shoved Frederiksen, causing her to stagger but not fall to the ground. After the incident, security personnel intervened swiftly. The Prime Minister’s office confirmed the assault and noted her cancellation of Saturday’s schedule due to the shock.

Politicians from various countries expressed solidarity with Frederiksen, highlighting the importance of democracy and condemning violence against elected leaders. In previous incidents, politicians in Germany and Slovakia have also faced violent attacks during campaign periods.

Rachel Adams

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