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Davido Seeks Sole Custody of Daughter Imade: Sophia Momodu Responds Amidst Allegations



Davido Seeks Sole Custody Of Daughter Imade: Sophia Momodu Responds Amidst Allegations

Popular Nigerian music artiste, David Adeleke, professionally known as Davido, has sparked controversy with his recent move to seek sole custody of his daughter, Imade, whom he shares with his ex-partner, Sophia Momodu.

In a legal suit filed by his team of lawyers, Davido is pushing for unimpeded access to Imade, citing his consistent financial and parental support for the child over the years.

The filing highlights Davido’s responsibilities towards his daughter, encompassing educational expenses, accommodation, transportation, general welfare, healthcare, and occasional travels.

According to Davido, he has been diligently catering for Imade’s academic needs and ensuring she receives a top-notch education without any financial hindrances. Additionally, he claimed to have covered rent for the apartment where Sophia and Imade reside.

Responding to the legal action, Sophia Momodu released a statement countering Davido’s claims, alleging that since their separation in July 2022, the artiste has shown minimal interest in their daughter and has failed to provide both emotional and financial support.

Momodu contends that Davido’s lack of support is linked to her refusal to engage with him romantically, emphasizing that he has voluntarily chosen to stay away from Imade since 2022 despite her willingness to facilitate their interactions.

The former couple had an intermittent relationship from 2014 to 2017 and later reconciled from 2020 to 2022, during which Davido reportedly offered financial assistance to the family.

Momodu further revealed that she has been on the receiving end of threats from Davido due to her declining his advances, stating her side of the story amid the ongoing legal battle for custody of Imade.

As the legal proceedings unfold, it remains to be seen how the dispute between Davido and Sophia Momodu will be resolved, highlighting a contentious issue in the realm of co-parenting and family dynamics.

Rachel Adams

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