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Delhi Airport Terminal 1 Closure Extended After Roof Collapse Incident



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Following the tragic roof collapse incident at Delhi Airport‘s Terminal 1 (T1), the closure of the terminal has been extended as safety evaluations continue. The incident, which occurred amidst heavy rainfall, resulted in the unfortunate death of an individual and injuries to several others. The terminal, a crucial hub for domestic flights operated by IndiGo and SpiceJet, has been shut down for a thorough technical assessment.

Reports suggest that Terminal 1 might remain non-operational for up to a month, disrupting the airport’s operations and causing flight redirection to Terminals 2 and 3. This delay could impact the ongoing expansion project of Delhi Airport, which has been striving to boost its capacity and integrate the structures of the terminals for better efficiency.

With structural engineers from an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) examining the incident, the reopening of Terminal 1 is pending their evaluation. The terminal’s closure has led to a significant shift in flight operations, with airlines like IndiGo and SpiceJet managing their flights from alternate terminals to ensure continuity.

The move to redirect flights to Terminals 2 and 3 underscores the airport’s commitment to passenger safety and operational resilience, especially in the face of challenging weather conditions. The recent heavy rainfall in Delhi has prompted authorities to conduct mandatory inspections and investigate the cause of the terminal’s roof collapse.

The closure of Terminal 1 serves as a precautionary measure to address safety concerns and prevent any potential risks to passengers and airport personnel. The incident has triggered collaborative efforts between airport authorities, airlines, and safety regulators to ensure a thorough evaluation of the terminal’s structural integrity before resuming operations.

Rachel Adams

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