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Father’s Day 2024: Celebrating the Special Men in Our Lives



Father's Day 2024: Celebrating The Special Men In Our Lives

June 16, 2024 – Today marks the celebration of Father’s Day globally, as people come together to honour and appreciate the remarkable men in their lives who have played a paternal role. This annual event, falling on the third Sunday of June, is a time to express gratitude for the love, guidance, and support provided by fathers, grandfathers, and father figures.

The official proclamation of Father’s Day in 2024 came from Joseph R. Biden Jr., the President of the United States, in accordance with a joint resolution of Congress. The day holds special significance as families gather to commemorate the contributions and sacrifices made by fathers in shaping the lives of their children.

Often credited with the inception of Father’s Day is Sonora Smart Dodd, a resident of Spokane, Washington. Inspired by her father, who single-handedly raised her and her siblings, Dodd sought to establish an equivalent celebration to Mother’s Day to honour male parents. The first Father’s Day celebration took place in Spokane on June 19, 1910, with support from local community leaders.

The White House acknowledges the importance of Father’s Day, with President Biden proclaiming June 16, 2024, as a day to recognize and appreciate the role of fathers in society. The significance of this day extends beyond familial ties, highlighting the positive influence and mentorship provided by fathers to their children and communities.

History.Com recounts the efforts of Sonora Smart Dodd in advocating for a designated day to celebrate fathers, mirroring the recognition bestowed on mothers. Her initiative resonated widely, leading to the establishment of the first statewide Father’s Day in Washington State on June 19, 1910, setting the precedent for a day dedicated to paternal appreciation.

Rachel Adams

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