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Montana Legislators Propose Solutions Amidst Special Session-itis



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Special session-itis has hit the Montana legislators in search of headlines. So far all their proposals can wait until January 2025.

By January they will have had enough time to read the state and federal constitutions and educate themselves on the property tax system and other complex issues properly under their jurisdiction.

In the short-term, here are some things they might pursue. None require a special session.

Ask Gov. Abbott of Texas and others to suspend the dispersion of undocumented migrants.

Find out whose credit card is paying the airfare for undocumented travelers and how things are handled with TSA.

Ask for federal enforcement of laws against employers using undocumented workers.

Press Flathead County Commissioners to explain why there has been no progress on an adequate detention facility in over a decade.

Encourage the House of Representatives to revisit the bipartisan immigration bill it put the kibosh on at the request of the presumptive GOP presidential candidate.

Kudos to Flathead County Sheriff Brian Heino and his letter in the Houston Chronicle on May 5.

The very last thing this valley needs is an influx of illegal aliens with no resources, identification, means of legally working, housing, etc.

This current administration in Washington, D.C. is deliberately and without any concern for the safety and well being of the legal citizens of this country, allowing anyone and everyone to cross illegally into America.

They care not one iota about the increased crime rates and crushing financial burdens put on cities that must find resources to accommodate these people.

Orderly, fully vetted immigration is one thing — this insanity is another. Sanctuary cities should be outlawed period. Notice the chaos in those cities who adhere to this policy.

Just take a good hard look at what has happened to this beloved nation the past three and one half years and you cannot miss the following.

There is a naked, aggressive attempt to bring this nation to its knees. They have destroyed the educational system, our sense of safety and law and order, racked up uncountable debt, eliminated our sovereign borders, hypersexualized our young children via the woke school systems, weakened our own military, and on and on it goes.

We have become a toxic dump site for the world to send their criminals, terrorists and undesirables. And then our own government secretly flies these people to whatever town they choose, devoid of proper traveling documentation or ID required by the legal citizens of this country.

Enough is enough! Only a change of administration in Washington D.C. and God’s forgiving grace for our disobedience to his will as a nation will give us any chance to ultimately eliminate this malignant, virulent take down of our great nation.

– Jill Williams, Kalispell, Houston Chronicle, Hearst

Rachel Adams

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