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Renowned Quebecois Writer and Sociologist Caroline Dawson Passes Away at 45



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Renowned Quebecois writer and sociologist, Caroline Dawson, known for her impactful literary works drawing from her personal experiences, has tragically passed away at the age of 45 after a prolonged battle with cancer.

Born in Chile in 1979, Dawson immigrated to Quebec with her family at the age of seven, fleeing the regime of Pinochet. Her debut novel, ‘Là où je me terre,’ published in 2020 by Éditions du remue-ménage, resonated deeply with readers, exploring themes of exile, cultural shocks, and identity struggles.

Her significant contributions to Quebec literature were recognized with several awards, including the prestigious Prix littéraire des collégiens. Dawson’s impact extended beyond her writing, as she actively engaged in sociological research and championed social justice causes.

Despite her health challenges, Dawson continued to write and participate in literary events, inspiring countless individuals with her resilience and unwavering commitment to advocacy. Her recent works, including a poetry collection titled ‘Triptyque‘ and a children’s book ‘La Bagnole,’ further showcased her versatile talent.

Caroline Dawson’s legacy as a prolific writer and dedicated sociologist will endure through initiatives like the literary award established in her honor by Radio-Canada. Her influence on the literary landscape and her advocacy for marginalized communities will continue to shape the cultural dialogue in Quebec and beyond.

Rachel Adams

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