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Yoruba Actress Aunty Ramota Falls into Coma Following Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Complications



Yoruba Actress Aunty Ramota Falls Into Coma Following Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Complications

Popular Yoruba actress and comedian, Ramota Adetu, known as ‘Aunty Ramota’, has reportedly fallen into a coma after undergoing a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery at a hospital in Ikorodu on June 8.

Blogger Tosin Silverdam shared on Instagram that Aunty Ramota opted for the BBL surgery to enhance her appearance, which unfortunately led to complications during the procedure, resulting in her current comatose state.

Tosin stated that Aunty Ramota slipped into a coma on June 8th following the surgery in Ikorodu, Lagos State, due to the surgical complexities that arose.

News of Aunty Ramota’s situation has generated various reactions, with some questioning the validity of the information, while others have expressed genuine concerns and prayers for her swift recovery.

In response to the news, well-known actress Toyin Lawani commented that she believes the story is a skit and dismissed the seriousness of the situation. She also highlighted the ethical concerns surrounding the surgery in view of Aunty Ramota’s condition.

Rachel Adams

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