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Yoruba Comedian Aunty Ramota’s BBL Surgery Controversy: The Truth Unveiled



Yoruba Comedian Aunty Ramota's Bbl Surgery Controversy: The Truth Unveiled

Recent reports about popular Yoruba actress and comedian, Ramota Adetu, known fondly as ‘Aunty Ramota‘, falling into a coma following a Brazillian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery in an Ikorodu hospital have raised eyebrows among fans and the entertainment industry.

A blogger, Tosin Silverdam, sparked controversy with claims that Aunty Ramota slipped into a coma post-BBL surgery in Lagos State on June 8. According to Silverdam, complications during the procedure led to this unfortunate turn of events.

The situation garnered mixed reactions, with concerns over the authenticity of the news surfacing. Actress Toyin Lawani dismissed the reports, suggesting it was likely a skit. She emphasized skepticism, stating it was unlikely for a legitimate medical practitioner to perform such surgery given Aunty Ramota’s existing health condition.

In response to the unfolding saga, popular Yoruba skitmaker, Ganiyu Kehinde Morufu, professionally known as Ijoba Lande, refuted claims of the surgery’s legitimacy. Lande clarified in a video that individuals close to Aunty Ramota disclosed it was a content creation venture and not an actual BBL procedure.

Highlighting the authenticity of the situation, Lande stressed that Aunty Ramota’s condition was part of a skit, urging fans to remain calm. He mentioned unsuccessful attempts to reach Aunty Ramota’s associates for clarification, pointing out that it was all part of a scripted narrative.

Amidst the unfolding drama, it’s evident that the purported BBL surgery on Aunty Ramota has become a subject of intense scrutiny and debate within the entertainment sphere. As fans await further developments, the truth behind the viral reports surrounding Aunty Ramota’s health condition post-surgery remains shrouded in mystery.

Rachel Adams

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