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Galveston Library Showcases Romantic Vintage Items for Valentine’s Day



Galveston Library Showcases Romantic Vintage Items For Valentine's Day

The Rosenberg Library in Galveston is currently displaying vintage romantic items in celebration of Valentine’s Day. The showcase includes a 1916 candy box from a local store and a charming love token, both harkening back to the Victorian era.

Valentine’s Day traditions of gift-giving were popularized during the Victorian era, a period known for its sentimentality and love for personalized tokens. Richard Cadbury, a key figure, began selling chocolates in elaborate boxes to meet the increasing demand for Valentine’s gifts. The 1916 candy box from ‘Palace of Sweets’ in Galveston is one such example, featuring intricate designs and a practical use post-consumption.

Love tokens, hand-engraved coins that were popular in the Victorian era, are also part of the exhibit. This unique form of expressing affection through personalized engravings on silver dimes reflects a practice that dates back to the 13th century in Britain and had its peak during the 19th century.

The Rosenberg Library, a historic institution in Galveston, has been a centerpiece of the community for over a century. It continues to serve the public with its museum collections and special exhibits such as the current showcase of vintage Valentine’s Day items. The library collaborates with local establishments like Moody Mansion and Moody Gardens Hotel to provide a rich cultural experience for visitors.

Rachel Adams

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