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India Criticizes Ayatollah Khamenei’s Comments on Muslim Communities



Ayatollah Ali Khamenei 2024

In a significant diplomatic development, India has expressed strong disapproval of recent comments made by Iran‘s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The Iranian leader referred to the situation of Muslims in India in a manner that India considers “unacceptable.” The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in India issued a formal statement on Monday, addressing Khamenei’s remarks.

Ayatollah Khamenei included India alongside Gaza and Myanmar, claiming that Muslims are experiencing suffering in these regions. His message emphasized unity among Muslims globally and highlighted the importance of not ignoring the hardships faced by the Muslim community in different parts of the world. His comments were delivered during an event for Islamic Unity Week and were aimed at fostering unity between the Shia and Sunni sects within Islam.

In response, India’s MEA strongly refuted the claims made by Ayatollah Khamenei, stating that his comments were “misinformed and unacceptable.” The MEA further suggested that countries making such observations should consider their own records regarding minority treatment before commenting on others.

Ayatollah Khamenei’s statement was also translated into Bengali and shared on social media, extending the reach of this message to a broader audience. While addressing leaders of Iran’s Sunni community, he praised their contributions to Iranian society, reinforcing the message of Islamic unity.

Rachel Adams

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