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Ivan Toney Impresses Joe Cole – Potential Backup to Harry Kane for Euro 2024



Ivan Toney Impresses Joe Cole Potential Backup To Harry Kane For Euro 2024

Former England footballer Joe Cole has commended Ivan Toney‘s recent performance, suggesting that Toney could secure the backup striker position for England at Euro 2024 behind Harry Kane.

Amid the selection dilemma between Toney and Ollie Watkins for England’s supporting striker role, Cole believes Toney’s display in a recent match against Belgium has edged him ahead in the race.

Toney, who returned to competitive football in January following a gambling-related ban, showcased his skill and physicality during his first start for England.

Gareth Southgate, the England manager, is expected to choose between Toney and Watkins for the Euro 2024 squad, with Toney’s recent goal-scoring form enhancing his chances.

During the recent match at Wembley Stadium, Toney converted a penalty against Belgium, demonstrating his composure and quality under pressure.

Joe Cole expressed his confidence in Toney’s abilities, highlighting his capability to offer value to the England team and handle the demands of international football.

Toney’s successful penalty against Belgium marked a memorable moment as he became the first player since Allan Clarke in the 1970 World Cup to score a penalty on their first Three Lions start.

Cole praised Toney’s penalty-taking expertise, adding that his proficiency in this aspect could be a factor in Southgate’s decision-making process for the Euro 2024 squad selection.

Rachel Adams

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