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Major Bridge Rehabilitation Projects Underway in Timmins



Major Bridge Rehabilitation Projects Underway In Timmins

This year’s infrastructure upgrades in Timmins are focusing on significant bridge rehabilitation projects. The Porcupine River bridge and Mattagami River bridge are currently undergoing extensive work to address existing structural issues. The city has awarded a $3.6 million contract to Miller Paving Ltd. for the rehabilitation efforts.

Scott Tam, the director of growth and infrastructure, highlighted the necessity of this work due to longstanding deficiencies in the bridges. Constructed in the 1990s, both the Porcupine River and Mattagami River bridges require renovations such as asphalt replacement, waterproofing, sidewalk enhancements, and structural remediation.

Three bids were considered for the project, with Miller Paving securing the contract as the lowest bidder. Despite the initial budget of $3.5 million set aside for the 2024 bridge work, all bids exceeded this amount. The additional costs will be covered by surplus funds from the Hoyle bridge project, which remains approximately $400,000 under budget.

Additionally, as part of a separate strategic plan, Belanger Construction is in the final year of a three-year contract to reconstruct Algonquin Boulevard within the downtown core. The 2024 construction stretch spans from Balsam to beyond Brunette, with plans to remove an overpass and install a snowmobile crossing for enhanced accessibility.

According to Tam, mobilization is expected to commence in March, marking the initial stages of the extensive infrastructure improvements slated for Timmins. These projects signify the city’s commitment to enhancing its transportation network and ensuring the longevity of vital bridge structures.

Rachel Adams

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