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Man Sets Himself on Fire Outside Trump Trial Linked to Cryptocurrency Conspiracy Theories



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A man named Maxwell Azzarello has set himself on fire outside the New York courthouse where former President Donald Trump‘s trial is ongoing. Azzarello claims to be an investigative researcher and has ties to the Philadelphia and South Jersey regions.

In a shocking blog post, Azzarello alleges a convoluted conspiracy involving cryptocurrency affecting Americans. Police have identified him as a 37-year-old from St. Augustine, Florida, with connections to Philadelphia.

His online presence, including a Substack article, delves into anti-establishment theories implicating corrupt politicians and the impending collapse of the world economy through cryptocurrency. Azzarello has a background in city planning and anthropology.

Following the self-immolation incident, Azzarello is in critical condition at Manhattan‘s Weill Cornell Medicine Burn Center. He had no prior criminal history in New York, according to police, who are investigating his online activities.

Azzarello’s extensive online manifesto warned of a looming ‘fascist world coup’ and criticized various institutions, including social media companies. He tied his extreme act of protest to a larger totalitarian conspiracy, referencing figures like Jeffrey Epstein and citing The Simpsons.

NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny hinted at propaganda-driven literature distributed by Azzarello before the incident, alluding to conspiracy theories surrounding Ponzi schemes and organized crime infiltration in educational institutions.

The dramatic event unfolded in Collect Pond Park, near the courthouse, with Azzarello tossing pamphlets before setting himself ablaze. Witnesses described the horror as bystanders were unable to intervene in time.

Several officers sustained minor injuries during the incident but are in stable condition. The bizarre episode occurred amidst the backdrop of Trump’s trial, adding a surreal dimension to the already high-profile proceedings.

Rachel Adams

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