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Shane Gillis’ ‘Tires’ Comedy Series Hits Comic Gold on Netflix



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Comedian Shane Gillis recently dropped his comedy series ‘Tires’ on Netflix, and the results have left audiences in stitches. While expectations were high, ‘Tires’ delivered on pure comic gold from the get-go.

The star-studded cast features appearances by Shane Gillis himself, along with fan-favorites such as Andrew Shultz, Tommy Pope, and Stavros, creating a hilarious ensemble of characters.

From the moment Andrew Shultz and Tommy Pope grace the screen to Stavros’ appearance, the show is a rollercoaster of laughter, with every character being as outrageous as the next, delivering a truly mindless and funny half-hour escapade.

After Shane Gillis’s much-talked-about stint on SNL, ‘Tires’ cements his reputation as a comedian unafraid to push boundaries and focus on making people laugh, regardless of who may be offended, bringing pure, unadulterated comedy back to the screen.

‘Tires’ has quickly become a hit, eliciting audible laughs from viewers and setting a new standard for unapologetic, side-splitting humor in today’s comedy landscape.

Rachel Adams

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