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South African Rapper Shebeshxt Mourns Daughter’s Death in Tragic Car Accident



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South African rapper Shebeshxt is currently mourning the tragic loss of his nine-year-old daughter following a devastating car crash. The incident occurred while the musician was on his way to perform at the African National Congress (ANC) Siyanqoba Rally celebration concert in the Limpopo province.

In a heartfelt post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Shebeshxt expressed the profound impact of his daughter’s passing, stating that his life would never be the same without her presence.

Accompanying Shebeshxt on the fateful journey were three passengers when their vehicle collided with a heavy motor vehicle, resulting in a fatal overturn. The rapper also revealed that he sustained serious injuries, including the loss of his foot, during the accident.

Messages of condolences and support have been pouring in from fans, the music community, and organizations like Limpopo Artists Movement (LAM). The artistic fraternity stands in solidarity with Shebeshxt during this difficult time and offers comfort and support to the grieving rapper.

Videos capturing the aftermath of the crash have circulated online, showcasing the rapper being attended to by paramedics. Tidimalo Chuene, the spokesperson for the transport department in Limpopo, confirmed that investigations are underway to determine the cause of the tragic accident.

This is not the first brush with vehicular mishaps for Shebeshxt, as earlier this year, he was involved in another crash resulting in the total loss of his vehicle. Despite the challenges, Shebeshxt has been steadily rising in the South African music industry, gaining popularity for his viral song ‘Ke Di Shxt Malume’ and collaborations with industry giants.

Rachel Adams

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