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Trump Promises Tax Relief for Service Workers in Nevada Rally



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Former President Donald Trump made a direct appeal to service workers in the swing state of Nevada during a campaign rally in Las Vegas. At the scorching hot event, Trump announced his intention to eliminate taxes on tipped earnings, specifically targeting workers in the hospitality industry.

Trump’s promise, aimed at garnering support from service workers in Nevada, where polls show a tight race, adds another element to his tax plan. Currently, tipped employees are required to report their tips as income under the law.

In his address to the sizable crowd in Las Vegas, Trump assured attendees that they would see immediate tax relief once he took office. He emphasized the importance of recognizing the hard work of service-oriented individuals and indicated that legislation would be pursued in Congress to enact these changes.

On the tax front, Trump has also previously pledged to extend the individual tax cuts implemented during his presidency through 2025. However, experts project that this move could significantly increase the US deficit over the next decade if enacted.

This rally marked the second public appearance for Trump since his recent legal troubles, including a felony conviction in Manhattan. The conviction, a landmark event in US presidential history, has energized Trump’s base but raised questions about its impact on undecided voters.

The Las Vegas event witnessed extremely high temperatures, with some attendees requiring medical attention for heat-related issues. The US Secret Service made special accommodations for water and umbrellas to address the challenging weather conditions.

Supporters like Alex Maldonado, a security worker and military veteran, expressed his allegiance to Trump, citing concerns about inflation, border security, and crime under the current administration. Maldonado’s sentiments reflect a broader sentiment among Trump’s loyal supporters.

Similar instances of heat-related incidents were reported at a recent Trump rally in Arizona, underscoring the challenges of hosting outdoor events in exceptionally high temperatures. Despite logistical hurdles, Trump’s campaign continues to attract significant support and financial contributions.

Nevada, along with several other battleground states, holds pivotal importance in the upcoming election. A post-verdict poll by Fox News showed Trump leading President Joe Biden in Nevada, a signal of the state’s importance in the electoral landscape.

Trump’s engagement in fundraising activities in prominent locations like San Francisco and Beverly Hills further highlights the intensity and breadth of his campaign efforts as the election draws nearer.

Rachel Adams

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