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Verizon Wireless Settlement Offers Potential Refunds to Customers for Administration Fee Dispute



Verizon Wireless Settlement Offers Potential Refunds To Customers For Administration Fee Dispute

Verizon Wireless customers from 2016 to 2023 may be eligible for refunds as part of a proposed $100 million settlement stemming from a Class Action Lawsuit.

The lawsuit, centering on a monthly administration fee that customers alleged was unfair and undisclosed, has led Verizon to agree to the settlement despite maintaining its innocence.

Spanning from January 1, 2016, to November 8, 2023, customers who paid the administrative charge may be entitled to a refund, with payments up to $100 each.

While the company denies any wrongdoing, they have consented to adjust their customer agreement for better disclosure of the charge.

Those who qualify for the settlement can file a claim online or via mail, with a deadline set for April 15, 2024.

Each valid claim is set to start at a base of $15, escalating by $1 for every month the administrative fee was paid by the customer, not exceeding $100 in total.

The actual refund amount could vary based on the number of claims filed, and payments won’t be issued until the settlement is finalized and approved by the court.

Rachel Adams

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