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No. 15 Wisconsin Dominates Chicago State 74-53 Led by John Tonje’s 22 Points



Wisconsin Badgers Vs Chicago State Cougars Basketball Game

No. 15 Wisconsin secured a convincing 74-53 victory over Chicago State on Saturday afternoon at the Kohl Center in Madison, Wisconsin. The Badgers were led by John Tonje, who scored 22 points to pace the team to their win.

Nolan Winter also had a significant impact, contributing 12 points to the Badgers’ total. Steven Crowl was another key player, although his exact statistics were not as highlighted as Tonje’s and Winter’s performances.

The game saw the Badgers maintain a strong lead throughout, ultimately resulting in a 21-point margin of victory. This win continues to solidify Wisconsin’s position in the rankings as they move forward in the college basketball season.

The postgame media conference highlighted the team’s strategy and player performances, providing insights into the Badgers’ approach to the game and their preparations for upcoming matches.

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