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Bernie Sanders Supporters React to Biden’s Debate Performance



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Bernie Sanders supporters are expressing their reactions to President Biden‘s recent debate performance against Trump, with many highlighting concerns about Biden’s age and ability to lead. The debate, moderated by CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Kaitlan Collins, delved into various key issues including the economy, Israel, immigration, and abortion.

Biden’s performance in the debate has left many in the Democratic camp questioning his capability to go up against Trump in the upcoming election. Sanders’ former press secretary Briahna Joy Gray took to social media to reflect on how those who hindered Sanders’ 2020 campaign might be feeling now.

The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur also joined in, showing support for Bernie Sanders in light of Biden’s debate challenges. Some are pointing to Biden’s age and performance as factors that could potentially impact his chances in the election.

In the recent Siena College Research Institute poll, a significant percentage of Black voters in Wisconsin indicated that they would vote for Trump, a shift that has raised concerns among Biden’s supporters. Sanders’ supporters are using this as a moment to underscore the resilience and strength of their preferred candidate.

Notably, Sanders, who also has a long history in politics, has been actively engaging in the discourse around the election despite not being part of the recent debate. His presence continues to be influential within the Democratic party.

As the race continues to evolve, the focus on how Biden’s performance may impact the election outcome remains a key point of discussion among political analysts and party members. The influence of Sanders and his supporters could also play a crucial role in shaping the narrative leading up to the election.

Rachel Adams

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