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Global Celebrations of Mother’s Day 2024: Honouring Maternal Figures Around the World



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Global celebrations marked the joyous occasion of Mother’s Day 2024, as people around the world honored the extraordinary maternal figures in their lives. From London to New York, heartfelt tributes were paid to mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and friends who embody love and sacrifice.

The historical roots of Mother’s Day trace back to the United States, where Anna Jarvis initiated the tradition in honor of her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, a peace activist. Two carnations were purchased by Jarvis for a memorial service in her hometown, marking the second anniversary of her mother’s passing.

Ancient Greeks and Romans also celebrated motherhood, reflecting a tradition that transcended cultures. Similarly, Christians in England observed a day dedicated to honoring maternal figures, emphasizing the importance of mothers in society.

Rachel Adams

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